“…O Tyre, you have said, I am perfect in beauty” Ezekiel 27:3
“…You have come to a dreadful end and shall be no more forever” vs. 36
Story, story [Story]
Once upon a time [Time, Time]
There once existed a great city called Tyre. Tyre was a fortified city[Joshua 19:29], and she later became a great maritime commercial center[Isaiah 23:8]. Down to 13th century A.D, the grandeur of this city was the envy of nations. Nearly every nation of repute had business alliance with her. There was nothing you needed that you couldn’t get in Tyre. She had everything – beauty, goods, and connections.
Tyre allowed all these to get in her head. She started raising up her shoulders. None is as perfect as me, she said every morning. Without me, the nations round about me will collapse, she would muse to herself. See what my hard work and diligence has brought me, she praised herself.
Tyre seemed to have forgotten that behind everything working, there is a God. She seemed to have forgotten that hard work without God-work will amount to nothing. Oh, that she had remembered that there is only One who beautifies: God. Alas, she remembered not. She surrendered to pride.
There is one thing that Tyre failed to be conscious of: God can puncture even a steel tyre. And that was exactly what God did. The steel tyres in which she trusted were punctured. She had a ghastly accident. All her goods were gutted with fire. Her beauty, in which she pride herself was greatly scarred, alas the only cosmetic surgeon in town is the God she refused to acknowledge. Everyone withdrew from her.
Tyre became lonely.
…eventually, she died!
The envy of the nations have become a by-word. She, to whom the nations bow has become an object to be hissed at.
Oh that Tyre had resisted pride, she would have had her beauty preserved, her goods intact, her honour maintained. Perhaps if someone had reminded Tyre that though her tyres be made of steel, yet God’s nail would easily puncture and deflate it, maybe she would have had a rethink.
Several millenia after Tyre’s tragic demise, nations still continue to learn from her error, for they have learned, that the man who refuses to acknowledge and submit to God, the Owner and Giver of all things, will find himself walking down that dangerous slope that can only end in destruction.
Just a while ago, Tyre said, I am perfect in beauty [vs.3], but behold she has come to a dreadful end and shall be no more forever [vs. 36].
Morale of the story: God can puncture even steel tyres. Lift up your hands[in worship] not your shoulders [in pride].
And we have come to the end of the story!