The More Excellent Way of Rewardable Service (1 Cor 13)
Introduction: Charity suffereth long. Ministry requires lots of suffering – from false brethren and from the world; but we must not let your circumstances change your character. Don’t let your environment discolor you.
The grace of God is sufficient. It is so deep that whatsoever comes in ministry you won’t give up. You’ll endure to the end in Jesus name. The greater the calling, the greater the power and enablement that the Lord will give.
Serving God is a great privilege. Servicing Christ with an attitude of gratitude is very acceptable. Salvation by grace through faith is the prerequisite for service. We can’t give others life if we are dead ourselves.
Consecration and absolute surrender is the foundation for faithful service. Baptism of the Holy Spirit is necessary and indispensable for power in service, if we are going to fulfill the work of the ministry.
1. The more Excellent Way – LOVE
1 Cor 12:31; 16:13-14
The ministry is not for weak-minded spineless people, who don’t have any backbone. If you are going to walk the excellent way, watch and stand, carry yourself like a man who has Christ on the inside. Charity is essential in all forms of service. Charity gives your service quality. Whether counseling or caring, feeding or financing, preaching or praying, evangelising or empowering, educating or edifying, helping or healing, discipling or developing, let it be done in Charity.
L – labor to save others 1 Cor 3:8
O – Occupy in seeking others (Luke 19:10-13)
V – Volunteer to serve others (John 13:1-17)
E – Endeavor to sacrifice for others.
Sacrifice is after you have done everything that is your duty, you volunteer to go the extra mile. Rom 14:17, 1 Cor. 10:33
Paul knew that he was working for the Almighty God, and therefore was focused.
2. The Most Expensive Waste
The waste of our life, talent, ministry, opportunity, gifts that causes eternal loss.
1 Cor 13:1
Without love, everything we do will be worthless. Exodus 4:10; Neh 13:26
Solomon had great understanding, yet women caused him to sin. Therefore it is not just the knowledge or gifts you have, but Charity.
Matthew 7:17; Judges 8:4, 24, 27.
It is not how far we run out what argument we are able to show. For example, Gideon ended up raising an idol for the nation, even after doing great things. We need love in our hearts for the sacrifice to be worth anything.
3. The more exceptional workers.
A. Joseph’s sacrifice
B. Nehemiah
C. Peter’s single minded devotion.
D. Paul’s unwavering obedience. He said, I will not be disobedient to the heavenly vision.
God will give you the grace and the strength to go on to the end in Jesus name (1 Cor 12:31).
Your love for God translates into labor to save others.
Pray: Lord, here I am, I will serve your purpose fully, strengthen my backbone of conviction, in Jesus name.
Notes from a sermon by Pastor Kumuyi.