The anointing to complete what you have started is coming upon you.
My dream, my pursuit must be granted.
Anything that stopped you before cannot stop you anymore. I am free!
Everyone is a star, but there are stars that don’t shine.
It is the plan of God for everyone of us to shine.
Numbers 24:17
1 Samuel 2:26 – Samuel grew in wisdom and had favor with God and man.
You cannot have favor and be empty handed.
Psalm 106:4
What do I do to shine as a star.
There is an anointing called, Notice me. You cannot be hidden.
How can you be of marriageable age and not be married.
1. The hotter, the brighter. If you want to shine as a star, get fire.
Obadiah 1:17-18
1 Kings 18:24 – The God that answers by fire..
Psalm 104:4 – Ministers, flames of fire
Heb 12:29 – Our God is a consuming fire.
How do you get on fire:
Prayer and fasting.
Night vigil
The time you are spending chit chatting on your phone, you can invest in prayer.
If you are ready, God can use you. No one has a monopoly of power.
Because you have no priority for the things of God, you have become a dull star.
Be addicted with the word of God, that way no one can oppress you.
Sermon Notes by Ikechukwu Amadi