The world, as we know it, will eventually come to an end. John warns us of this fact, yet gives us hope, too. Revelation is a highly symbolic book, a recorded vision or apocalypse, which employs an abundance of Old Testament ideas, symbols, names and themes to paint a picture of Christ’s return.
The New Testament Christians waited patiently for the coming of Jesus Christ. But when? And how? They needed encouragement and exhortation like we do today. Revelation speaks of divine protection from God’s judgement on the world. John wants to reassure us that Jesus controls the course of human events and the climax of history. He will return and establish the promised kingdom.
The traditional full title of the book is “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” (taken from the opening words). It is appropriate, for the central figure in John’s vision is Jesus.. He is described as the Son of Man, the Lion of Judah, the worthy Lamb, the Son who will rule all, the Bridegroom, the conquering King of Kings and Lord of Lords and the rightful Ruler of his earthly and eternal kingdoms.
This book is not so much a prediction of future events as it is an expose of spiritual realities that affect us now and will bring the world to an end. But God, not humans,is ultimately in control of the events that will lead to the end. Yes, the world will end, but Jesus is still in control.
John shares his divinely-inspired visions regarding God’s plan and the prophecies not yet fulfilled. We need to remember that no matter how bad this world gets, God is still in control. In Christ, our victory is assured. Those that trust in Him will be saved. Be blessed as you read.
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The LA Family.
Culled from Hope Bible by Joel Osteen.