‘Now they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Ghost.’ Acts. 6:5 (NKJV)
Whenever the number of people in a group increases, there is bound to be administrative challenges, which if not prayerfully sorted out, can either lead to great chaos, or greatly stagnate the growth of that group.
To solve the problem the disciples faced, they had to delegate the job of waiting on tables to men full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom. Stephen was one such man. He was introduced as full of faith and the Holy Ghost. Should that not describe every believer? Should we also not be full of faith and the Holy Ghost? Often times, we are wont to think that only ‘leaders’ should be full of faith. But no, all men should be full of faith and the Holy Ghost, including you.
Remember Jude 20, ‘Building up your most holy faith.’ So if your faith is likened to a house, would it be an uncompleted building? Or a self-contained? A one bedroom flat? A castle? An estate? How is the building coming on? Are you still building up your faith or have you abandoned it?
Stephen was also a man who knew the Scriptures. When asked about his faith, he gave the reason why he believed. He didn’t contemplate the question, but spoke out boldly, not fearing death.
Pull out your Bible and begin to prayerfully study it. Ask to be filled with the Holy Ghost, so you can be a worthy representative of God’s kingdom on earth.
Prayer: Dear Lord, grant us the grace to dwell richly on your Word, so that we too can be full of faith and the Holy Ghost!