A covenant has been sealed. Our God is indeed a God of covenant. It is a great thing to covenant with Him. The people chose not only to walk in the law of the Lord, but also not to forsake His house.
Have you or I forsaken the house of the Lord? What do we bring to Him? Is it the first fruits of our grounds, or the leftovers?
Imagine God, loving us so much and giving us eternal life through His son. He answers our prayers and provides for us in times of need. This same God has granted us breath, sound health, and all there is. He makes us successful in all that we do. How do we thank Him? What do we give to Him?
‘…and the firstfruits of all fruit of all trees,…’ God has blessed us in many ways, in different areas of our lives. Do we thank Him first or pat our backs for the job well done? Dedicating the blessings to Him will be an opening for even more open doors. Whereas to not acknowledge Him, or being selfish with what He has given to us, limits our blessings from Him.
What is it that the Lord has blessed you with? Education, finances, products, children, let Him have the firstfruit of it. It all belongs to Him, after all. May you not forsake the House of the Lord, always remember God as the source of all you acquire. He deserves the best of it.
Prayer focus
Thank You Father for being an endless provider. I offer my firstfruits of all that you have given to me, grant that my offering will be accepted and pleasing unto you, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Written by Liz Ekakoro of @thelafamily