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READ: #LAFruits Insights: Psalm 27 from Whatsapp Nth America Family


Happy Good Friday LA Family,

Hope we are all enjoying our long weekend. In today’s reading the word patient echoes greatly in my mind. We saw various stages of David’s life. David’s state of mind reflects on what’s going on in his life at the present moment.

Verse 1 – 3: “The Lord is my light David recognized that God is the one that shows us what to do in life. “The LORD is my hiding place” means that when trouble comes the LORD will be with us in it. He will give us help to live through it, he will not leave us by ourselves.

Verse 2 says that David thought that bad men (like animals) wanted to eat him. But these bad men fell down and they did not hurt David. Perhaps David remembered Goliath. Goliath said that he would feed David’s body to the wild animals and birds. But David killed Goliath. David believed that because God gave him help in the past he will in the future. The same is true for us. Every time God gives us help we are more sure that he will give us help in the future.

Verse 4 – 6: Describe where God is. For David it was either the tent with the ark in it, or heaven. The ark was where the Jews kept special things that made them think of God. Heaven is where God lives. If we are Christians then God lives in us. We are the house of God.

Verse 7 – 9: Here the psalm changes. In verses 1-6 life was good for David. Now life is difficult. David thinks that God has forgotten him. David prays to God, “Answer me”. He thinks that he hears a voice inside him that says, “Look for my face”. So David continues to pray. He says, “You gave me help in the past ~ do not forget me now”.

Verses 10 – 12: Verse 10 tells us that David is sure that God will answer him one day. Even if his parents forget him, God will never forget him. In verses 11-12 David tells us that he has many enemies that want to hurt him. So David prays for a straight path. This means one that is safe.

Verses 13 – 14: is about believe in God. When you  believe in the Lord you are ready to wait for his answers. You may wait a long time, but be brave and strong. One day, God will answer you, if you believe in him.

May God meet Us at the point of our needs.

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