Then Peter replied, ‘I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism. In every nation he accepts those who fear him and do what is right.’ Acts 10:34-35
God shows no favoritism; the gift you see manifested in the lives of others you can have manifested in your life.
God shows no favoritism. He doesn’t favor whites over blacks; he only searches out for those who fear him and pours out His blessings upon them.
God shows no favoritism. If you desire the power of God, and you make effort in prayer and study of His word, God will surely visit you and pour out His Holy Spirit on you.
Cornelius, from Acts 10, had desired a new level of God’s power. And because He was a devout man who feared God, his prayers for more of God were answered. God sent Peter to deliver the Good News to him and his household, even though he was a Gentile.
What is your prayer today?
Do you desire to receive the gift(s) of the Holy Spirit?
Keep praying in faith, knowing that we serve a God who hears prayers and shows no favoritism.
He’ll hear, He’ll answer.
Prayer focus:
Lord, thank You for the gifts You give to all who are willing to receive. I pray that You hear my heart’s cry and release upon me every gift I desire, in Jesus name. Amen.
Written by Ike Amadi of @thelafamily