April: month of LOVE
Reading: Psalm 49, Galatians 4
Sons of God
Text: Wherefore you are no more a slave but a son and if a son, a heir of God through Christ Jesus. Galatians 4:7 (KJV)
Everything God did and will do for Jesus Christ, He will do for us. Why? We have received the spirit of adoption. We have received the gift of sonship through Jesus Christ. Even in our mistakes and shortcomings, His heart burns with love for us as every father would for His children. He asks that we approach Him boldly for mercy and grace in times of need.
I am reminded of the story of the ‘Prodigal Son’ who squandered his entire share of his father’s inheritance to him yet returned to his father for mercy. His father received him with open arms, threw a party for and even clothed him a fine robe. As a son, he accessed both His father’s heart and prized possessions. This is the kind of God we call Father.
Romans 8:14 adds that “for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God” (NKJV). As sons, we are to allow the Holy Spirit to influence our thoughts and decisions. We are to trust His counsel and submit to His leading as He directs us in all diverse situations.
LEARN and APPLY: Every act of submission and obedience makes us more like God’s son, Jesus Christ, and never goes unseen and unrewarded by our heavenly Father.
Prayer Focus:
Dear Father, I thank you for my inheritance in Christ. I thank You for the privilege to know and relate with You as a Father. I pray that everyday I will live never forgetting that I am your son and even better an heir of Your kingdom. I will live in submission and obedience to Your precious Spirit in Jesus’ name, Amen!
Ifeoluwa Olunu (@IfeOlunu) of @thelafamily
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