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#MyConsecration Notes by @Anafricandiva #Tweetables

July was our month of Consecration for Fruitfulness. WE read John G. Lake’s sermon, “Consecration to Principle” and Joy Ehonwa was so kind to share her notes. Please Learn and Apply. God bless you.

 Matthew 7:6 says, “By their fruit, you shall know them.” What does my fruit say about me? (Click to tweet)

 My success as a Christian depends first on my knowledge of Jesus’ words- the final authority. (Click to Tweet)

 The words of every other must be measured against Jesus’ words. That’s how I determine

their true value.

 My success as a Christian depends secondly on my consecration; the Cross before me, sin’s

foolish pleasures behind me. (Click to Tweet)

 My success as a Christian depends thirdly on the Paraclete. Without the Holy Spirit, my

consecration is just words. (Click here)

 Without the Holy Spirit, no matter how serious I am about #myconsecration, I am powerless to

live it.

 The Kingdom of God, which Christ came to establish, is first established in our hearts.

 The body of Christ is meant to be His representative in this world. Am I living as an

ambassador? (Click to Tweet)

 I realize that the one thing my greatest mistakes in life have in common is neglect of my

ambassadorial duties. (Click to tweet)

 If I was mindful of being a representative of Christ in the world, I wouldn’t have done those things.

 “Blessed are the poor in spirit” and “blessed are the meek” are not the same thing.

 The poor in spirit are those who, like Christ, put Kingdom interests first. The Kingdom belongs to them.

 To be poor in spirit is putting Kingdom interests before personal and worldly interests. Here, the rich young man failed.

 He was ready to obey and follow, but not to let go of this world and its currency. He shrunk from consecration.

 When the hymn, “take my life and let it be consecrated unto thee…” is sung, I don’t sing. I won’t pay lip service to my God.

 Because until recently, I was not ready to lay everything down and belong only to Him. I had my own terms. Merciful God.

 “I will obey and follow You as long as I can hold on to some of this world,” I say.

 “I know this thing is not quite right but I really enjoy it, please God understand,” I say.

 “Someday in the future, I will give my all to you. Just not right now.” And He never forces Himself on us.

 To be poor in spirit, to lay aside identity as an individual, for identity as a citizen of God’s Kingdom, is consecration.

 Without a deep-seated knowledge that my life is not my own, there can be no consecration. (Click to tweet)

 Do I love my brother as myself? Is my sister’s interest equal to my own?

 When God told Moses He would destroy all of rebellious Israel and make of Moses a great nation, we see a consecrated life. Sold out.

 Moses did not think of his own honour. He thought of God’s own name. He interceded. Poor in spirit.

 It is not in our place to point fingers at our brethren and speak harshly. We are to bow down in mourning; then we will be comforted.

 The eight beatitudes are the principles of God’s Kingdom, which Christ came to establish. (Click to tweet)

 How do we go about consecrating ourselves to God’s will? Christ did it, and He is our Supreme Example.

 When we come and commit ourselves to Christ, we cease to be. We must let this truth sink in.

 When Jesus finished his consecration after 40 days praying and fasting, He was tempted.

 Satan tempted His body, tempted His mind, and then tempted His spirit; but Christ was consecrated.

 Christ demonstrated the power of a consecrated life; victory over satan and sin by the help of the Spirit.

 We love and admire the saints who have gone on before us, but are we ready to live as they did? Are we really serious?

 Are we merely seeking Heaven in order to escape Hell, or do we desire the spirit and character of Jesus Christ?

 Holiness is loving what God loves, and hating what God hates. That is what the consecrated life is about. (Click to tweet)

 Some of us will be required to DIE for our Home Country. Most of us will be required to LIVE for it.

 Will we pledge allegiance to the Lamb of God, even unto death, and truly mean it?

 Are we ready to truly follow Jesus, or shall we just play church? Each one of us must decide. (Click to tweet)

 When we consecrate ourselves, and rely wholly on the Holy Spirit, then our lives will bring Him glory.

May God help us to consecrate our lives fully to Him in Jesus name.

God bless you for reading. Please feel free to share the link.
