Matthew 21
No prophecy shall be unfulfilled. As it was written, Jesus entered Jerusalem majestically on a donkey, with cloth laid down and multitude singing His praise. When one allows Jesus in his life, he has surrendered himself for divine acknowledgment.
For those who seek the face of the Lord should drive away every ungodly spirit in them with the Blood, for even the body is the temple of God. Nothing appeals to God more than a productive and serving spirit, less it be curse like the fig tree.
Jesus is the chief corner stone, identifying with Him guarantees our access to divine rewards.
No one falls on the stone or vice versa live to tell.
We shall be partaker of his awesome power on earth, to be a cornerstone even for Gods purpose.
Matthew 22
In another light, the race into Gods kingdom is the beautiful story of a feast which several of the invitees refuse to attend as guest. Yet the father of the bride didn’t give up. He went ahead to get about anybody on the street. God will only honour those who honour His invite in the last days, be available.
The ways thing are in heaven differ from what we have here. Give unto the authorities what is required to lead us, and give to God everything He required from us. No issue or ceremony of marriage is above the work of God. Love God more and then those around you now.
Nothing condemns a man like hearing the word and not doing. Even worse it will be for those who preach and not practise these teachings. For curse is the teacher who teaches for people to have a misplaced priority, and curse be him who delights in gold than God.
Curse be the teachers who deceive with their behaviour and curse is he who deny the presence of God among the people. Christ was given for a ransom; curse is he who thinks his journey had been by his abilities for by strength shall no man prevail.
Cursed is he whom the people look up to for directives but who use that for personal benefits.
Matthew 24
Take heed, take caution and be spiritually directed. Many will come professing the end of the world. Take heed, for there shall be wars between nations of the earth, fights and rumours of trouble between kingdoms signalling the end of the world.
News of betrayal shall abound, many will come as prophets and as Christ with great signs and wonders as proves. Do not be deceived by these people, no one can know in specifics the hour.
But be ye always ready and know these are true signs of the end time.
Be a diligent watcher of the times and season, they will speak volume of the closeness of the coming of Jesus. Dont be caught unawares marrying, be guided in the spirit.
Matthew 25
This chapter continues the admonition for the children of God to always be ready. For no man know when it will be, but with an honest thirst, we can hold on to the end.
The parable of the ten virgins exemplifies what is expected of all believers. Let’s all be in the realm of spiritual engagement and diligence wait, with extra oil let us prove the workings of the impartation of knowledge received at redemption.
Let us make use of our God giving talents towards our God assigned purpose, this will keep us busy and committed until the last day. Also, we shall deliver through our talent unto our neighbours good tidings.
The generous use of our talents shall separate us on the last days as sheep, compared to those to be categorized as goats, because we will use it for the common good of the people
and to the glorification of God’s name
Matthew 26
Jesus spoke of His travails before the disciple. A woman who had no knowledge of this saying came and worshiped Him with her oil.
It’s profitable, even after we know of much of these sayings, to worship God with everything we have. Our kingdom service is what we have to offer from our alabaster box.
Worshiping God with everything we have will keep the devil from possessing us unto evil doings like Judas.
Glory to God for the blood of the New Testament; in it we have life, hope, power and dominion and His flesh for the remission of sin.
Brethren, watch and pray, let stay active on our prayer altar. Through the time Jesus was on earth, He delivered Himself to the act of prayer. Though He wished the cup be passed on, but He professed the will Of God be done for our sakes.
As it was written, Judah betrayed Jesus that the Son might be nailed to the cross. He was captured, spat on, beaten, molested and stripped and persecuted.
Matthew 27
With all the money collected for betraying Jesus, Judas couldnt spend any. He returned it and hung himself to defeat,shame and regrets. He knew he shouldn’t have. But for prophecies to be fulfilled, even the people chose too release barrabas to crucify Jesus.
Like a thief He was handed over, like a criminal He was handled. Though the highest authority found nothing in Him, they led Him to be crucified.
Right at Golgotha, further ill treatment was meeted to Jesus before He was finally nailed to cross with an inscription that reads the king of jews.
While still on the cross, the people didn’t leave Him alone. He was mocked by those who wanted Him dead.
While at this, the said time came. The one for us died fosaken on the cross. With great sign the earth shook.
Jesus isn’t there, He was never in the tomb, He reigned in majesty. He lives forever alive. His disciples saw Him alive, He is rison , Amen