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#LAGenesis Devotional Day 19 by @manueladesola


‘And they said one to another. Behold, this dreamer comes‘ – Genesis 37:19

Today, I’d like to talk about the dreamer called Joseph, whenever I read his story I am always fascinated. Genesis 37 begins with the story of his sojourner: the hatred against him, plot to kill him, his sale to Egypt and eventually, his ascension to glory as the Prime Minister, which happens confirm what God had showed him.

When Joseph had the dream, he believed in it. He started talking about it in such a way that aggravated his brothers” anger and hatred towards him since they already held grudges because he tells their wrongdoing to their father, who by nature loved him the most.

Can you imagine someone you despise telling you he would rule over you and that you shall bow to him? At that point, all they could do was what they eventually did. They tried to abort his dreams. The only mistake they did was they probably thought he was talking about ruling over them in their father’s empire. They didn’t know God’s plan for Joseph was a bigger empire, much larger than their hometown.

Joseph was convinced by his dreams. He began to ask questions and raised topics on it. The extent of his belief is revealed the moment his brothers began to see him as his dream. They said ‘this dreamer comes’. 

Whatever your dream, you need to begin to live it! Right now, you may not look like ‘the dream’, all you need is to believe and confess it. You need to make people start calling you the dreamer that wants to change Nigeria, a dreamer who wants to build an empire, create history, invent things or manage big projects.

They may doubt you today but if you don’t doubt, it will fly. Joseph made enemies because of his big dreams. When you have haters over your dream, it means you are onto something big. Joel 2:28 ‘…Your young men shall see visions. ‘Let it be said about you too that ‘this dreamer comes‘ 

Prayer Focus
Father in heaven, you gave Joseph a dream and a gift to sustain his dreams. Establish a gift for every LA member and give us a mouth to speak of our dreams that heavens may confirm them, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

 by Manuel Adesola of @theLAfamily