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#LACorinthians Devotional Day 5 by Bimpe Ajibade



Christ came to the world to claim victory over everything the devil had put in place against God’s Kingdom, which is in us. Christ died for us to live victoriously here on earth, that we, the ‘supposed’ victors would not receive our salvation, our redemption and still be in bondage.

The Corinthian church is like our bodies, a temple of God ‘whose eyes are too holy to behold iniquity’ (Hab 1:13). Here is a man living in immorality and the church did nothing about it, (1 Cor 5:1-2). We also might be dealing with some immoral attitude. We too might not be living in the reality of Christ’s victory. Paul asks, whom are we kidding? We are still living in bondage, and unfortunately most don’t even realise it.

God has made grace available yes, isn’t it time we realize that we can’t continue in sin and expect grace to abound (Rom 6:1)? God wants us to destroy all that has been holding us back. To grow up and realize our full potential. It is a call to come up higher and reign with our Father like he intended for us. We might think even the great Apostle Paul had ‘something’ (2 Cor 12:7-10) but he wasn’t complacent. He wanted it gone. This should be our attitude.

An unfruitful branch gets cut off (John 15:2), this shouldn’t scare us but help us to realize that it is time to act. There is power in the name of Jesus and it is available to us in full measure.

It can break EVERY AND ANY CHAIN!! 

Call Him and be free from bondage. Remember, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (2 Cor 10:4)
Do something about it today.

That is what Jesus died for!!!

Prayer Focus
Father, release upon us, an unusual ability to say no. Let Your power heal our hearts, transform our minds and produce change in our bodies, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Written by Bimpe Ajibade of @theLAfamily