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#LA187: DAY 128 – The Spirit of the Fear of GOD!


Hello Wonderful Family! It’s Day 128. Another day to learn and apply the WORD, Yay!

Quiz time J

Name five characteristics of the Spirit of the Lord that rested upon him (the rod that stemmed forth from Jesse).

Hint: Isaiah 11.

Testimony time 🙂

A #LA187 member officially launched his business today!! Of course, #LA187 family members sent him forth with prayers. The business will always be FRESH and FLOURISHING. The Lord is your competitive advantage.

Announcement time 🙂

The Buddy and Cook family programs are doing extremely well. We give God thanks. In our case, too many cooks don’t spoil the broth, they make it sweeter.

Today, we read Psalms 122 and Isaiah 11-14.

Feeding us from Isaiah 11, IJ talked about the Spirit of the fear of God. To fear God is to respond to Him in awe, rust and obedience in worship. When we fear God, we must do what He wants. That’s exactly what Christ did, the will of His father. Unlike the religious leaders in Isaiah’s days that were selfish and did only what pleased them, we ought to take delight and derive pleasure in only what pleases God.

Dami shed FRESH light on Isaiah 12:3 – Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation – God has made a way but we need to DO SOMETHING, we need to get our buckets and draw. ‘How big is your bucket?’ he asked, because the springs are limitless.

Isaiah 13 caused @Eloxie to remind us that “Judgment is real. We must never forget “…the day of the Lord comes, cruel, with wrath & fierce anger…And He will destroy sinners.”

We read about the fall of Lucifer and the king of Babylon in Isaiah 14. The king of Babylon was human, Satan was a heavenly being, both committed the heinous crime of trying, not to usurp God but to establish their thrones higher. They said to themselves, let God be where He is but we will climb higher. @Eloxie asked a question we should all ask ourselves “What’s in my heart? What is my motivation to do what I do?” We need to be careful of making rebellious statements in our heart.

Our memory verse for today was from Psalm 122:7

Peace be within your walls, Prosperity within your palaces.

Peace and Prosperity – our portion. Amen somebody?


DAY 128