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#LA187: DAY 123 – Our Conclusion On The Whole Matter


Hello Lovely #LA187 Family! It’s Day 123. Don’t you just love how it sounds… 1, 2, 3, Progressive and Forward movement. Once again, we welcome our latest family members. We love love love you!

Quiz time 🙂

Complete the following: He who observes the wind will not ____________, And he who regards the clouds will not ___________.

Hint: Ecclesiastes 11 from today’s reading.

Announcement time 🙂

#LA187Family on Twitter will be having Praise Day tomorrow. We want to praise God till He stands up. We will use the #LA187PraiseDay hash tag. Invite someone. Spread the Word!

Today, we read Psalms 119: 101-125 and Ecclesiastes 11 – Song of Solomon 2.

Psalms 119:103 – “How sweet are Your words to my taste, Sweeter than honey to my mouth!” – tells us we need to DEVELOP a sweet tooth for the Word.

PSALMS 119 103

We wrapped up the Book of Ecclesiastes and joined King Solomon in agreement on his conclusion on the whole matter: FEAR GOD AND OBEY HIS COMMANDMENTS.

Let’s dive into the Song of Solomon. We start off with the words of our family poet and soul winner, Dami, “Are we ready for a tour of the romantic Vista of King Solomon’s mind? Are we ready to see love so pure, so untrained in its beauty and strength, love so intimate it makes the heart go giddy in excitement…”

Are you ready? We are!

Here’s what our #LA187 family members have to say on the chapters we have read thus far:

“Do you notice that Song of Songs means the most excellent song, there is no song that is as excellent as a love song that is sung by two lovers… no song that echoes through time like the melody of two hearts thriving as one… no song reverberates through history as the passion of a king and beautiful queen.” – Dami

“The first chapter of SOS is a lesson in attraction. A. She says let him kiss me – she is desirous of a passionate, private relationship with the man… she is wishing…. B. The man comments on her eyes, neck, and cheeks… he is driven by sight primarily and in fact almost entirely.. C. She comments on his touch, his smell, his looks and how he brings him delight. She is more in tune with her senses in her expressions.
Lesson… ladies be intentional about your looks. Be careful about wearing “biblical” tops I.e. low and behold… guys be intentional about how you touch her, how you speak to her and your smell.” – Dami

“Solomon made the “love” a living word, he gave Zoe to it… He disabused our minds of what the world sees love as 2day.” – Lindi (WhatsApp Family)

“Love can’t help itself, it has to find a way to express itself…love grows through expression #SoS#LA187” – Oge

“Affirmation works!!! It’s a beautiful confidence booster. Use your mouth, find the words, AFFIRM those you love. #LA187” – Eloho


Our memory verse for today was from Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.

Remember to pray for your #LA187 family!


DAY 123