Dear Family,
It’s Day 105. We can only thank God for sustenance!
Today’s reading was taken from Psalm 105 and Nehemiah 4-7.
We are absolutely loving this book of Nehemiah, too much to learn and apply here.
Our family members had so much to say on the chapters we read today, we can only capture a few for your spiritual consumption. Feel free to follow the Twitter family here. We’re also on WhatsApp and Facebook.
As we mentioned yesterday, prayer is the Master Key. That point was emphasized even more as we went further into Nehemiah. #Fresh insight on prayer from the family:
“We countered with prayer to our God and set a round-the-clock guard against them. #Nehemiah #la187 *Pray and DO! That’s d winning formula!” – @masterpiece1618
“And each one kept his spear in his hand, even when getting water.” #Nehemiah #la187 Christian, be on guard. WATCH and pray. #dosomething – @masterpiece1618
I prayed, “Give me strength.” #Nehemiah #la187 Pray and #dosomething – @masterpiece1618
‘Nehemiah didn’t respond 2 Tobiah n Sanballat rather we went to God in prayers’ We don’t throw stones at all the dogs that bark at us – @jiokemad
‘But because of them,we made our prayer to our God’ Our battles are won behind closed in prayers n not on the battle field #LA187 –@jiokemad
Nehemiah is simply putting watch and pray in action!watching is gud,praying is even better,watching&praying is best!L &A,learn&apply!#la187 – @ogetours
Nehemiah was a man of prayer. His prayer was his defence. He had divine back-up. He had confidence in GOD and the people had a heart for the work.Inspite of oppositions accusations, insults and mockery, the wall was built in 52days and the enemies were silenced. Prayer is the key to success. The place of prayer in our lives cannot be overemphasized. – IJ from our flourishing WhatsApp family.
Wow!!! What a blessing!
Nehemiah’s compassion as a leader also stood out to the family, he was appointed governor and yet “refused to claim the governor’s food allowance because the people already carried a heavy burden.” (Nehemiah 5:18).
Yetunde from our Facebook family left us with food for thought: How do we handle power or position as Christians? is it an opportunity to add or to subtract and make unnecessary gain? being in such position does give u an edge but doesn’t mean u tip the scales in your favour. I speak even to myself this morning may we never be named among those who make inordinate gain in Jesus name. Amen.
Amen to that prayer Yetunde, God bless you.
Our daily memory verse was taken from Psalms 105:14-15:
He permitted no one to do them wrong;
Yes, He rebuked kings for their sakes,
Saying, “Do not touch My anointed ones,
And do My prophets no harm.”
Stay Fresh, Alive and Prayerful.