Hello Victorious #LA Family! The Freshest family of God that consistently Learns and Applies the Word. More understanding as you do so.
It’s Day 17 of our #LA130 program. For more information, please see here.
Today’s Reading: Mark 5 – 6.
For the daily readings, please see here.
#LA130Prayer from Mark 5 and 6:
- Thank you Lord for by the blood of Jesus, I am free from demonic possession In Jesus Name. Mark 5:1-15
- May I live to publish the goodness of God. I shall live an evangelistic life In Jesus Name. Mark 5:19-20
- As I meet with Jesus via His word, every issue in my life that has defied solution terminates today In Jesus Name. Mark 5:25-31
- I reject the spirit of fear, I am a believer In Jesus Name. Mark 5:36, 50
- I refuse to be too familiar with God and His works In Jesus Name. Mark 6:3-4
- As Jesus was, so I am. I go out in the power of the spirit to cast out devils, heal the sick and save sinners. Mark 6:13
- No man shall cut off my head – destiny, vision – connection with God In Jesus Name. Mark 6:28
Mark 5: 21 – 43 introduces us to two people formerly known as the “Dead Girl” and the “Woman with the issue of Blood”. How did they get rid of those names? ONE ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS – Two different approaches – One basic principle – FAITH!
Let’s learn about faith from these two powerful stories – as shared by the family – of course:
Faith comes by hearing the Word of God, Fear comes by hearing the word of men. Whose report do you believe? I believe the WORD. – @Kingdomturf
Faith has creative power. If it has never happened before, faith can make it happen. – @Kingdomturf
The people we surround ourselves with matters because faith comes by hearing. We must surround ourselves with people that speak faith and those that will encourage us. – Chinedum
Observe that as soon as the woman touched Jesus her healing happened. Faith is the key that unlocks breakthroughs. – @LATeamRoyalty
When you speak faith, they may laugh. But keep saying it, don’t stop talking. – @Dorisnkwo
Faith gets God’s attention. – Uchechi
Christ puts honor upon faith, because faith gives honor to Christ. – @TheLAFamily
Faith is an essential ingredient needed in the life of a believer. – @Ogungbedeji
Stand firm in your faith amidst the crowd. – @Ogetours
Incredible faith unleashes raw power from heaven into a situation – God is always pleased & moved by people of faith. – @SignetSeal
Wow! It’s all about Faith!
You have Learned! Go forth and Apply!
Food For Thought: Do you speak faith or fear?
Please deposit Mark 5:36 into the memory bank:
But Jesus overheard them and said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith.”
Stay #FRESH, #CHAP and #ALIVE!