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How to Open Your Personal Heaven by Dr. D.K. Olukoya

When your Heavens are Brass

Deut 28:23 – Thy heaven.

Ephesians 6:12; 3:10

For your life to prosper, the heavens must be involved.

A man shall receive nothing until he be given it from above.

Whatever is not from above, will kill that person.

Got a wife that is not from above? That wife will kill you.

A destiny remains stagnant, until there is a connection between heaven and earth.

There are three heavens; the heaven that is above us is the headquarters of darkness, the battlefield of spiritual warfare, and these dark powers have made the heavens to become brass.

There is family heaven, national heaven, personal heaven. It may be open or closed.

I command your heaven to be opened in Jesus name!

Your prayers can shake the wickedness off. The demons can overcome the person with ease. But God wants you to have open heavens.

10 things that close the door of heaven.

1. Sin
2. Prayerlessness
3. Pride
4. Bloodshed – abortion, shedding blood
5. Falsehood – Anytime you build your life on a lie, you close the heavens over your head.
6. Failure in tithe and offering will close the heaven over you.
7. Idolatry.
8. Territorial spirits
9. Satanic intermediaries. Working with you, living close to you, or in your environment. Don’t make a child of the devil your business partner.
10. Satanic altars.

4 Was to open your heaven:

1. Genuine repentance
2. Deliberate and sincere humility
3. Break all family altars
4. Get involved in ceaseless, fervent, and desperate prayers.

Pray until you feel the rain.
Do you want to get to the top, pray until something happens. Never accept the present position as final.

Your enemies will begin to bow, and favor comes your way. You will be promoted, no one will be able to hurt you. But once it is closed, through sin etc, you begin to labor in vain.

The open heavens will change your life completely. It is always a divine turning point.

If you are not born again, receive Jesus into your heart now.

With violence in your heart, sing this song of praise. Paul and Silas praised God in the dungeon.

We thank you Lord (2x
We thank you Jehovah Almighty


O heavens over my <family, business, marriage, insert area> OPEN!! (shout! and pray! )

Principalities of my father’s house in my heaven DIE! in the name of Jesus !

Every power in the heavenlies attacking my joy, die!!

Where you have been rejected, you shall be accepted, in Jesus name!

The enemies that have been eating up your opportunities are disgraced in Jesus name.
Scorpions in the heavenlies planning my death, your time is up. Die!!!

My life, hear the word of the Lord, arise, break records!

Where is the Lord God of Elijah? Arise, let my heavens open in the name of Jesus!

Father, arise so that mountains of troubles will be melted and mountains of difficulty will be destroyed.


Notes by Ikechukwu Amadi