When reading the word of God, settle down and digest it. Don’t read it in a hurry. Stop, and ask yourself two questions:
1. What does this Scripture teach me about God? What are the qualities of God that I have discovered? Once you answer that question and you see
the answer before your eyes;
2. What does God require me to become through reading this passage. The logical conclusion is that we see God that we might discover who we are
meant to be.
Then take your time and begin to work on yourself by meditating on that scripture and that lesson; begin to imaging different situations where
you can apply that Scripture, and let that inform your response to situations in the future. You need to change your natural response for it to
correspond to the character of God, and gradually you’ll see yourself changing into God’s image ultimately.
Culled from Ask Pastor Sunday which takes place every 8pm Ukraine time. Click here to subscribe.