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Greater Glory Fast Day 9

By Pastor Paul Enenche

Make us glad according to the days wherein thou hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen evil. Psalm 90:15

Three reasons why God gives us double for our trouble:

1. To take the enemy by surprise by having the final and finest say.
2. To allow the publicity of the adversity to be drowned in the publicity of the prosperity.
3. TO reward faithfulness in the face of frustration – despite everything you were passing through, you still remained true to me.

TO receive double for your trouble:
1. Remain faithful to God. Job 27:5
2. Refuse to give up on God. Wait for God. This season is your season in Jesus name.
3. Refuse to be bitter with those who mock you. Bitterness will deprive you of the sweetness and goodness of God.

This is your season. Psalm 90:15 will be fulfilled in your life.



Father, do something new that will delete the memory of something old.