Tuesday leadership.
Grace for Victory over leaders’ peculiar temptation
1. The variety of temptations of leaders and laborers.
1. The temptation to compromise
The leader faces the temptation to quit when the going is tough. Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. When the leader stands alone and there is nobody to support or help.
Numbers 11:10
3. The temptation to yield under pressure.
Not all followers have staying power; the power to hold on.
1 Sam 15;24
Instead of leading the people, the people are leading you.
The temptation to fear the people, and not to go on under duty.
The temptation to yield to the people.
Don’t yield under pressure.
4. the temptation to claim immunity and act independent of God’s word.
“I am above the law. Others can yield to the law.”
1 Kings 11:1
5. The temptation to indulge your children and abandon God’s standard.
6. The temptation of substituting one sin for the other.
7. The temptation to use unqualified workers.
8. The temptation to lean on the arm of flesh and not on the Holy Ghost.
Jer 17:5
9. The temptation to fear a strong personality and forget the rapture.
We do not determine when it is enough, the Lord himself will tell you when it is enough.
When temptations confront you, you think it is enough
10. The temptation to use carnal weapons. 2 Cor 10:4
2. Vigilance against the temptations of teachers and trainers
1. The temptation to corrupt the word of God.
2. The temptation to teach only what people want to hear. 2 Tim 4:3
3. The temptation to teach a limited gospel.
4. The temptation to uphold self righteousness without any experience of personal salvation.
5. The temptation to be superficial in our teaching. Jer 8:11,20
…Such that the teaching doesn’t produce repentance.
6. The temptation to teach partial truth.
Mal 2:9
7. ..To accomodate false teachers.
8. The temptation to teach tradition rather than saving truth. Mark 7:7
9. The temptation to teach for personal gain.
10. The temptation to keep teaching while sinning.
He is not abiding in the truth and living according to the truth, yet keeps on teaching while committing sin. Rom 2:20
3. Victory over the temptation of pastors and preachers. Jer 3:15
The power to stand firm in the private and in the public, the Lord will give to us in Jesus name.
1. The temptation of preaching faith and walking by sight. 2 cor 5:7
2. Temptaion to fear and to please men – not having a mind of their own. Gal 1:10
3. The temptation of not practising what we learn and what we teach. Mt. 23:4
4. The temptation of magnifying men and minimizing God. Luke 12:4
5. The temptation of giving much attention to temporal and not given enough attention to eternal things. 2 Cor 4:16
6. The temptation of running away from wolves. Matthew 7:15; Luke 10:1
WE will preach the gospel, no wolf will intimidate us.
7. of forgetting the importance of getting sinners saved.
8. of compromising holiness for church growth.
9. The temptation of substituting baptism of the Holy Ghost for human skill. 1 Cor 2:5
10. The temptation of not preparing adequately to feed the flock. Acts 20:28
You will be an overcomeer in Jesus name
You will be an overcomer everywhere you go in Jesus name. 1 Cor 15:57-58