God has never had or made a mediocre plan for His people.
1. Creation provision (Genesis 1:28).
Man was created in the image of a God who has no competitor; he was created and commissioned to function with the dominion mandate.
2. The Covenant provision (Genesis 12:2-3; Exo. 19:5; Deut. 14:2, 28:1-2; Num. 23:9) God’s covenant people are designed to exist in a class of their own on the earth.
3. The Prophetic provision (Isa. 28:2-4; Mic. 4:1-3).
The topmost top is God’s place for His people especially in the last days; they are designed to be a force and a voice to reckon with on the earth. The gloom time for the world is the glory and boom time for His people
4. The redemption provision(Acts 5:12-13; Matt. 5:14-16) Jesus’ dying, crucifixion and resurrection was designed to catapult us up; the Church is designed to be the illumination of our generation
As far as you are a covenant child of God, whatever is connected to you is not permitted to be down.
Whatever you do, refuse to die a mediocre; determine to take the position that God has designed for your life.
1. Receive the revelation that God’s provision for His people is the top (Gal. 2:2; Isa. 60:1) We go up by light, not by luck or chance.
2. Renew your mind continually; the transformation of life and destiny happens by the renovation of mentality (Rom. 12:2).
I prophesy a new day upon you, the limit is over, the chain is released and the yoke is broken from off you. Help from above is released and everything the enemy stole from you is released into your hands in Jesus’ Name