O Lord, why do you stand so far away?
Why do you hide when I am in trouble? Psalm 10:1
I don’t know if like me, at several times in your life, you have felt like David when he penned this Psalm. Having understood that God is a God of justice and is all seeing and all knowing, now wonder why God appears to disappear is silent or simply hides when you are in trouble.
No matter how much people try to encourage you, just facing a storm without a palpable sense of God’s presence can be trying. We seem to think that because outward deliverance is afar off and is hidden from us, that God is far from us too. Like me, we often seek inward comfort as affirmation of God’s presence. But that is our own fault; it is because we judge by outward appearance; we stand afar off from God by our unbelief, and then we complain that God stands afar off from us. When we truly have faith and believe, we know that God is a very present help in times of trouble, even when we cannot see Him.
But let us be very assured that God is not far away from us.’…though he be not far from every one of us.’ (Acts 17:27) What a beautiful Scripture! God is not far from every one of us.
God is faithful, ‘If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself’ (2 Tim 2:13). It is quite easy to focus on the difficulties in our life and wonder where is God. Be comforted, He is not far from every one of us.
We also need to come to an understanding that being believers does not guarantee us pain free lives. Jesus plainly stated in John 16:33, ‘These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye SHALL HAVE TRIBULATION: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.’ And in 2 Timothy 3:12, we are told ‘Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus SHALL SUFFER PERSECUTION.’
So as long as we live godly, we will feel persecuted. But, whether or not we feel it, the Lord knows them that are His and we are never alone. This is our assurance; God is not far from us.
Thank you Jesus for the assurance that you are not far from us. May you cause us to live with this understanding in Jesus name. Amen!
Today’s devotional was written by Eloho.