Continue dutifully as commanded
But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them. 2 Tim 3:14 (KJV)
The NLT book translates the first line of this verse as, ‘But you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught‘.
Recently, I attended a convention and afterwards discussed with friends its impact on us. We came to the conclusion that we had been under such anointing at some point in the past however the question is why did this one feel like it was our first encounter with such powerful session?
It seems along the way, our Christian journey is stalled or unravelled by not practically applying what we are taught. That fire encountered from each Word, revelation or impartations is, and should be, gold in us.
Being faithful has to do with staying steadfast. Nothing else matters except your conviction. Apostle Paul, implores Timothy to be faithful in all we have heard and read from the Word of God. Likewise, we too must ensure to remain faithful, otherwise the devil would come to corrupt our beliefs.
Circumstance and challenge will arise but we need to hold fast and agree to God’s word, not what we feel.
Let’s show our faithfulness by acting on every word that has found its way into our heart.
Let’s be practical about what God has commanded us to do.
Let’s be faithful to the instructions we have received and let it be on our mind at all times, and may God help us.
We have to be dutiful, not as convenient but as commanded. Amen
Prayer Focus
Father, we have come this day to glorify Your Holy name for every wonderful word You have brought our way this year. We pray for the grace to follow each commandment through that they may abide in us and be unto us for profiting, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Written by Manuel Adesola of @theLAfamily