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They labelled him ‘A Devil’

A man on a cross

Crucified by the mothers of the children

He laid his hands on to grace with virtue

Bleeding for the worth of those he created

Readied unto the death by screams of terror

So I heard. And read


Offered the cup of bitterness and offence

The ruse of release and a little release

That could thwart the holy cause

For which he could’ve sat on the sidelines


Refused the company of family

Denied of the very ones that called him ‘brother’

Despised for no justifiable reasons

By those with whom he attended ‘Primary school’


The expectations of perverts and wolves in the guise of sheep

Cheaply bought justice. A sum so small

Bought the betrayal of the soul of a man

A man, a Prophet, The One Anointed to Save

For public credibility and political aggrandizement

They condemned him to die

His silence was taken for dumbness and guilt

And his words, though true, held blasphemy

Their wisdom held that he should die for all

And died for all, he did


Alas, I beheld one of haggard countenance

Brutally wounded, destroyed beyond recovery

An unworthy thief, undeserving, unrighteous

He tasted of the Master’s goodness

And lives now in the kingdom

Where his hard-hearted judges claimed

Dwelled in their hearts


I beheld once more in the glass before my sight

A new man, unreprovable

An embodiment of the incorruptible seed

Sowing words with tears, bearing precious seed

And reaping with rejoicing on his lips

Sacrificing thus with a voice of thanksgiving


“You are worthy to take the book

And to loose the seals of it

And to look upon it

For you were slain and hath redeemed

Us unto God by your blood

Out of every nation and kindred

And tongue and people”

“My old man is crucified with Christ”.


For the #LAFamily