Our theme for the Month of June is Sanctified for Fruitfulness (1 Thess. 5:23)
Sanctification means changing the earthly, sensual, devilish mind, into “the mind which was in Christ Jesus.” – John Wesley
It basically means having the mind of Christ and all the mind of Christ.
Read more about sanctification here
Declarations for the Month of June
1. My whole spirit and soul and body will be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thess. 5:23
2. Thank you father for removing every sin that dims my knowledge and consciousness of you.
3. I have the mind of Christ, and all the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16).
4. I am sanctified by God’s Spirit. I am pure in spirit, in soul and in body.
5. I am sanctified. I am filled with love and purity and peace and power.
6. I submit my wicked, accursed, vile mind to the living God for it to be purged and cleansed and remolded, that it may become in deed and truth the mind of Christ.
7. My flesh is purged of every disease by the divine power being transmitted from my spirit, through my soul, into my body.
8. We LA family shall flourish like a palm tree, we shall grow like cedars in Lebanon. We who are planted in the house of the Lord shall continue to flourish in the courts of our God. We shall still bear fruits in old age. We shall be fresh and flourishing (Psalm 92:12-14).