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READ #LAActs Devotional Day 21 ‘How Ready Are You?’


Then Paul answered, what mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? For I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus Act 21:13 (KJV)

It is almost unbelievable and unimaginable that Paul, who had decisively persecuted believers of Jesus, would one day be willing to die for Him. No wonder the bible says the first shall be the last and vice versa. Paul wasn’t amongst those chosen by Christ neither was he the last. But when the spirit of God arrested him, he turned out to be the first till date, Acts 9:1-6.

Paul wasn’t just willing to be another servant; he laid his life for the gospel of Jesus. He considered himself already dead to the gospel even while living. A real death while preaching God’s word would be a great honour to him.
Serving God means first dying to yourself and taking the cross of Christ. You can’t be alive to yourself and serve God diligently. You can’t give in to the demands of your person without turning against the voice of God.
How ready are you to deny yourself of known pleasures that lead to destruction? Will you respond like Paul did and continue with your Holy assignment, even when there is a revelation you will die to it?

Today, Paul is known all over the world because of his service. When you are ready to die for God, you have entered into the greatest deal for everlasting relevance.

Prayer Focus
Father in heaven we bless Your name. We pray that all earthly desires be dead in us. We confess our love for You. We come against everything sharing our heart with You in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Written by Manuel Adesola of @thelafamily