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Boys Marry for Sex by Archbishop Duncan Williams

Boys marry for sex, men marry for purpose.

Boys are dependent, men are independent. Until you are independent of your father and mother, taking responsibility, keeping your house clean and decent, you are not qualified to marry.

Being a woman does not qualify you to marry. To marry, be a wife.

Esther needed 6 months preparation for one night with the king. She was prepared for the meeting with the king. We need to prepare ourselves for marriage.

And more…

You don’t know what it is to be a father, until you have been fathered. You can’t lead until you have been led. You can’t have authority, until you have been under authority.

I don’t care how successful you are, if you are not under authority, you don’t have one. You are not legit and your authority is illegal.

Demons are not afraid of power; they are afraid of authority. Authority is delegated.

You can’t resist the devil, until you have submitted to the authority of Adonai.

The principles of God stands, and success from heavenly perspective is quite different from how we define success.

True success is not in the cars we have, or the buildings we have.

Success is not how many people we have in our church, or the books we have written. Whatever we do for God will be subjected to fire.

Why we want to be successful, and run many services, is it because we love people or we want to prove a point, or to have tithes and offerings.

There is a process to go through. The reason I am talking to you is that I don’t want you to make the mistakes I made.

Notes by Ikechukwu Amadi