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The Difference Between the Multitude and the Disciple by Archbishop Benson Idahosa

Archbishop Benson Idahosa

Multitude come to take, disciples come to give.

Are you a disciple or part of the multitude?

Multitude say, “If you need me, call on me,” disciples say, “Here I am, send me.”

Jesus went higher, the disciples went forward, and the multitude went backward.

God can not send you over to the other side, and you go under. If the Lord is the one that sent you forward, no demon will stop you halfway.

The devil will not oppose your dream when it is anchored. He attacks those going forward. He never bothers you when you are sleeping, doing nothing for God. He always challenges you when you are moving forward.

The devil doesn’t disturb those doing nothing, because they have no testimony.

Business, marriage. …

What decision have you taken, and half way, the devil is shaking your boat of confidence.

Be strong!

Excerpts by Ikechukwu Amadi