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#LAIsaiah Devotional Day 2 by Adaobi Nwosu (@modiste1)

All will be well

The prophet Isaiah speaks of God’s judgement on Jerusalem and Judah because of their worship of other gods. In the midst of this message of doom, God remembers the righteous and says that it will be well with them.

The righteous are those who fear God and put their trust in Him. The daily news is full of bad news and inspires us to be afraid. God’s word, on the other hand, inspires us to have faith in Him. In spite of all that seems to be going wrong, we can have faith that all will be well. God’s promise to the righteous in those days is His promise to us today.

We are in this world but not of this world. As we abide in Christ, our dependence is not in the world’s system but in God. In the face of insecurity in the country and a precarious economy, we can boldly say that it will be well.

We also have a responsibility to pray for the peace and prosperity of our land.

Prayer focus
Dear heavenly Father, as we trust in You and abide in You, we declare it is well with us. We pray for our country and leaders and declare that it is well with Nigeria, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Written by Adaobi Nwosu of @theLAfamily