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#LA187: DAY 145 – We Are Fearfully & Wonderfully Made


Hello Loving and Lovely #LA187 Family of God! Welcome to August!

#LA187 family members had to speak life and blessings into the new month since we are well aware that whatever we DECREE shall be ESTABLISHED!

This is what our month looks like… How about yours?


Expect that whatever you’re decreeing will come to pass! Expectation is key!

Quiz time 🙂

What does the Linen Sash symbolize?

Hint: Jeremiah 13.

Today, we read Psalms 139 and Jeremiah 13-16.

Adun was on kitchen duty, and the meal was as sweet as her name implies, much sweeter in fact.

We learned that Jeremiah 13 is a classic example of pride coming before a fall. The Israelites felt they knew it all and didn’t need God, but God showed to Jeremiah, how quickly they would rot away. We serve a merciful God, who still sent warnings to His people. In this day and age, God could use several means to warn us when we are going astray; some of which include our precious Holy Spirit, fellow believers, and the Word. It is our prayer that after having received such warning, we take heed, repent and return to our Daddy.

On Jeremiah 14:13-14, she touched on the importance of hearing God for ourselves. God speaks to prophets to relay messages to us or even confirm His word but nothing can take the place of a direct relationship with God where we hear God for ourselves.

Dami, our family poet, was on hand to help in the kitchen. He served a fresh one on Jeremiah 15:19 passing across a simple yet powerful message. We should learn to say what is worthwhile. Say what God says.

Jeremiah 16 is a promise of restoration! Hallelujah! We can be rest assured that the same God of those times is the same God today.

@Ogetours made a fresh observation on Psalms 139. God’s loving involvement with our lives started long before our birth. He knew us since!

Our memory verse for today was from Psalms 139:14

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.

Soak it in family!! Keep speaking it. WE, #LA187, are fearfully and wonderfully made!



DAY 145